Design and Transform Your Life using the brand new 3D Life Vision™ template

Just 3 pages, 3 dollars, and personalised to you!

When you look back on your life in 10 years time, 
how will you want it to look? 

👉 Do you want to have lived a life with PURPOSE?
👉 Do you want to have lived a life where you felt FULFILLED?

👉SUCCESSFUL in your career?

👉 Do you want to have made GREAT MEMORIES with the people you love?

 👉 Will you have made the most of your TIME?


 👉 Will you have lots of REGRETS because you didn't do what you really wanted to, you wasted your time, felt stuck, made bad decisions and/or have ended up nowhere near where you thought you might be? 

Or did you lose something or someone of great value to you, because you took it for granted and didn't realise that it, or he or she, would only be in your life for a limited amount of time?

Did you know? 

That three of the top five regrets of people that are dying when they look back on their life are:

1. 'I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.'

2. ' I wish I hadn't worked so hard but spent more time with family and friends.'

3. 'I wish that I had let myself be happier.'

And that: 

• the top regret of retirees is I’d wish I’d save more money in my 20s and 30s.

• one of the most horrifying feelings in the world is meeting a person you could have become?

The reason I'm telling you this is because: 

'The only thing worse than death itself, is a REGRET filled coffin';J. Cole 

and I know the life I was living was making me look back and realise how much time and life I was wasting by not spending enough time with the people who matter most to me, or living life from my heart. We only get one life. 


👉 You could rewind time and live a life where you fulfilled all or most of your dreams?
👉 There was a way to ensure that we could get older without making bad decisions?
👉 There was some kind of life map that could help guide us to make better decisions about all aspects of our lives, help us get unstuck whilst ensuring we live a life that's true to ourselves? 



Use the brand new 3D LIFE VISION™ TEMPLATE
- the ultimate life map framework - 

so you can CREATE and LIVE a life that's true to you

We're all valued pieces of the greater puzzle - here for our own unique 
purpose and to fulfil our part.  Create what your piece will look like - it's never too late!


The 3D LIFE VISION™ template to be affordable to make it available for everyone, so that you can fine-tune and fulfil your life purpose. 

Simple, effective, and...

...personalised to you!

The 3D Life Vision™ template  your own personalised 3 page framework to help you design your life from your heart.

The three pages are comprised of frameworks for:

 👉 Your inner self - your values,
 👉 Your ‘whole life’ broken into 10 different life sections,
 👉 Your outer self – the way you present yourself to the world.

The 3D Life Vision Template will help you assess your current life, build your foundations for a life of fulfilment, and create your new vision. The whole process is very simple, yet effective. 


'This process really resonates with me.  Not just because of my psychology background but because early on in my own career I assessed top executives in the pinnacle of their careers. One of the topics we worked on was‘ What would you do differently if you could go back and do it all again?’ 
The two most common regrets were that those that hadn't finished their college education were really bothered by it, and secondly, and by far the top regret, was that they hadn't spent enough time with their children and family when they were much younger. 
We only get one wonderful gift of life - this is why this is brilliant idea for anyone to do.  
Fred Fishback 
Billionaire, Company President , Industrial Psychologist

Complete your 3D LIFE VISION™ TEMPLATE now so you can:
👉 start ATTRACTING what you really want

👉 feel more FULFILLED

Click on the option that best suits your needs below


3D Life Vision 
3 Page Template

Instant Download
1 downloadable 
and 1 x interactive 
3 page personalised 
3D Life Vision Template
plus instructions 


Hi, my name is Liz Lions. 
I am the creator of the 3D Life Vision™ template, Founder and International Director for Dezzein International.  
Hi, my name is Liz Lions. 
I am the creator of the 3D Life Vision™ template, Founder and International Director for Dezzein International.  
My first introduction to personal development came when I taught self-esteem skills to elementary school students in Banff in Canada. I found this incredibly rewarding seeing the children's confidence and belief in themselves grow.

I learnt from the people that were top in their field 
Shortly after, I returned to Australia and was invited to attend conferences featuring successful Australians who were top in their field including best-selling authors, top sports men and women, first lady to ever sail around the world solo, body language experts etc. 

I discovered implemented visualisation techniques
I learned many valuable life lessons that I hadn't learned at school, including what was possible and how to make it so. These highly successful people used visualisation techniques to manifest what they wanted to achieve, along with training, until it became their reality.

With nothing to lose and everything to gain, I decided to use those techniques to manifest what I wanted to attract into my life. I soon found that doors would open - or sometimes I had to create those doors – and over time those visions become my reality too. 

and eventually my dreams and visions became my reality
These included buying my first unit, securing my dream job as a Project Manager with the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games and even meeting my tennis player idol!

But then I realised I was my life life was off balance, I didn't feel fulfilled, and I didn't know why. 
Fast forward ten years or so I found my life was off balance, I didn't feel fulfilled and I didn’t know why. At that time I was too career focussed and didn't fully appreciate the other things and people in my life. So I started up my personal development journey once again. This time I attended the Ultimate Success Summit with Richard Branson and Anthony Robbins, going on to complete Life and Wealth, Real Estate, and Business Mastery programs.

During these events I learnt that life was way more about being 'successful' in your career, more about life as a whole and for the first time in my life I pictured my own map of my life.

After using my life map as my 'go to' self assessment tool', I came up with the idea of sharing my life map / template and process to make the broad framework of this information available to everyone around the world - regardless of their gender, race, socio economic status etc.

It was a 'no brainer' to combine the idea with visualisation techniques so that everyone can make informed decisions about their life and start to manifest what they really want, and the things that will make them fulfilled.

But little did I know after I created this concept, I was about to face even tougher challenges in my work life which really affected my health and spilled over other aspects in my life in a negative way. 

 However, because I had created  my life map (my 3D Life Vision™ template) which represented all aspects of my life, I made a decision to focus on other aspects of my life – because I was now clear on what they were - and strengthened and even excelled in some.  As a result I was able to get through an extremely difficult time of injustice for me. So it has not just become my whole life map, my life self assessment tool, my vision board framework- it is now also my self resilience tool. Because now when one aspect of my life is going wrong - I know I can focus on any of the other 12. 

Now I want to give back and share my concept with the world – so anyone can design and manifest their life too, because every single one of us is an essential piece of the greater puzzle. 

Liz xo

Just imagine...

 being able to easily see what is good,  what is not serving you, and/or what is missing in your current life, and then guided to the aspects of your life that will give you the greatest fulfilment;

 having a crystal clear guide to help set your visions in all aspects of your life, so you'll draw them in and achieve them, enabling you to live a fulfilling life;

 being able to attract what it is into your life and what it is that you truly want for all the different aspects of your life;

 making decisions that are aligned to what you really want rather than wasting precious time, money and energy on the wrong ones;

 living a life with no regrets! 

The 3D Life Vision™process works through guiding you to apply techniques that are well known and used by top athletes and highly successful people, 
to your whole life.

Did you know that Harvard University conducted a 10 year study in 1979 ?

1979 Harvard Study
Prior to graduation, it was determined that:
84% of the entire class had set no goals at all
13% of the class had set written goals but had no concrete plans
3% of the class had both written goals and concrete plans

10 Years later ...
10 years later, the 13% of the class that had set written goals but had not created plans, were making twice as much money as the 84% of the class that had set no goals at all.
3% of the class that had both written goals and a plan, were making ten times as much as the rest of the 97% of the class.

Imagine if you replicated these results but for your WHOLE LIFE 
(even though some life aspects you can't put a $$$ value on) 
by setting visions for each aspect of your life?
Imagine how amazing your life could be?



3D Life Vision 
3 Page Template

Instant Download
1 downloadable 
and 1 x interactive 
3 page personalised 
3D Life Vision Template

I didn't realise the power of the template until I started getting stuck in. It really helped me capture my imagination into a crystal clear framework. I have so much more clarity now on where I'm going! I LOVE the interactive feature. I've done a lot of goal setting in my life, but never come across anything like this. I'm now so much MORE excited about my future!
Kat Millar
Business Coach

I have made vision boards in the past that were primarily a bunch of nice pictures representing what I wanted. Much of what I asked for I got, to some degree, but other parts did not transpire and after doing the 3D Life Vision process I realise why. Going through the process of analysing the current state of my life and areas that needed attention really helped me create a more balanced vision for my future. 
Clarissa Mosely

I love that I can see my whole life on one page, and it helps put everything into perspective. When one part of my life isn't going right, I now know I can focus on the other aspects, as well as create my vision for the future'.
Ash Wall
Criminology Student

If you’re serious about living a life filled with joy, fulfilment and that's true to you…

I would like to invite you to design your life with this 3D Life Vision.
The 3D Life Vision™ template is a 3-page framework, centred around 'your heart', and personalised to you.

The three pages are comprised of frameworks for your: inner self - your internal beliefs and values; whole life' - broken into 10 different life aspects; and your outer self - that is, the way you are present yourself to the world.  

The template is supported with a workbook and guided meditation and guides you to create a life that is not the one that you think others expect of you, but one that is true to you.

Watch the video here to see how it works:

The 3D Life Vision framework works both on conscious and subconscious levels, so when you've finished your template you can:

• make decisions aligned with your life vision
focus on the areas most important to you
• be more creative and spontaneous
manifest your life vision
• live a life that is aligned with your values, purpose, and what you want in your life
• build your resilience
• have no regrets!

We use a map when we want to go someplace – why not do that for our lives?
We also understand that we change and grow through different personal experiences.

Which is why we encourage you to update your life vision every year. 

You'll also be able to see how far you've come!

We are very confident that the 3D Life Vision template is going to benefit you greatly...




We have had the pleasure of Liz speaking on our stage to a room packed full of Sydney’s highest level entrepreneurs. Liz is an engaging, dynamic speaker who delivers high value content. Liz has the experience and experience to ensure she is a highly valuable addition to any speaking engagement.
Jeremy K Streeter,
Founding Owner, Intelligent Millionaire Network Sydney

Liz’s message about designing one life from the heart made a lasting impression on me. She's an energetic and enthusiastic speaker, with a real and authentic message. Thank you, Liz, for sharing your lioness heart with us in South Africa!
Marina Kotze,
Entrepreneur, South Africa

Liz spoke wisely and well explaining the entire process and whys and pointing out tips on how to maximise the process while Julia brought incredible clarity and clearing through practical meditations. I was so pleased with the workshop and how powerful it felt to do it in such a way. From now on when I vision board I will most definitely want to do it in the way that was presented in the workshop. Huge thank you to the wonderful ladies who hosted the workshop!!'
Tabitha Leitner,
 'Create your Life Vision Workshop' attendee.

This was so great.
And the workshop contained the perfect and ideal balance of the practical with the meditation.
Peter Williams,
Sydney Australia and Create your life vision attendee

'Liz's practical side of the workshop helped me write down all loosely scattered thoughts and visions for this year and the future. It was good to be reminded of the importance of writing things down, talking positive about them and observing for the tips from the Universe, but also taking actions to manifest our visions'.
Joanna P,
Sydney Australia and Create your life vision  attendee

Such a great way to frame everything.
Rhianna Isgrove,
Entrepreneur, Sydney Australia and 'Create Your Life Vision Workshop' attendee


You’re just 1 decision away from
making changes toward your best life.

I once saw Andrew Ross Roberts, author of 'What the Hell are you Chasing?' speak at a conference. He challenged us to really think about what we are chasing in our lives and why so many people in the western and developed world seem to be less happy than their peers in third world countries.

The answer is, he said, was because we have it all the wrong way around. Most people are too busy, too stressed, and often 'chasing the money' but for what... and why

Why are we sabotaging the key to life (that is love, happiness, fulfilment and contentment) to slave for something we may not even be passionate about?

We're all here for our own unique reason & there’s no point living your life just to impress others.

The 3D Life Vision™ template sets out all the broad aspects that make up your life. It then gives you the space to create what you want to visualise for each aspect of your life such as:

* your values
* your foundations 
* your health, relationships and home base, purpose, finances, spirituality 
* and decide what’s important to you.

You are the only person that knows what you truly want out of life - and you only get one shot.

So come design your life - and make it 'your best life'!


3D Life Vision 
3 Page Template

Instant Download
1 downloadable 
and 1 x interactive 
3 page personalised 
3D Life Vision Template

© 2020 by Dezzein International 
DISCLAIMER: It’s important to know that there are no guarantees. I am not a financial advisor. I am not implying you will duplicate my results or my clients results (or actually do anything for that matter). Change also entails risk and nothing is guaranteed. If you are not willing to accept that then PLEASE DO NOT GET THIS PROGRAM. If you are looking for a guaranteed “magic pill”, this is not for you.

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